WHORE! – You say it like it’s a bad thing…

Excuse any disconnections of thought ramblings here. My internet is being gay.

OMG YOU SAID GAY! All the homosexuals are going to rise up and come after you with pitchforks!

My bad. Ok, my internet is being such a little wanker.

OMG YOU SAID WANKER! All the people who masturbate are going to come and burn your house down!

Jesus H. Christ…

BLASPHEMY! Here comes the Christians!

Can I not say anything without offending someone? All I meant was that my internet connection is being annoying.

OMG! HERE COMES THE…. wait we’ll think of something that offends us….

People can be so funny sometimes. And why they like to throw me under the bus (OMG BUS DRIVERS ARE…) I have no idea. I pop in and comment, as a hooker, on news and personal blogs to throw my two cents into the discussion and invariably someone will come along and try to put me down. I wish I could remember the link or the context in which someone replied to me “Words have meaning, Brandy.” Well no shit sherlock.

Words have the meanings we assign to them. I can look at a secretary, all happy, chipper, and smiling and say “Oh! You’re a secretary!” Or I could look at one with loathing and disgust and say “Oh. You’re a secretary.” Same words, totally different meanings behind them. Meanings that can either lift you up or make you feel like used gum on a dirty sidewalk. But guess what? How you react to the words and their intended meanings is ENTIRELY UP TO YOU. *Gasp!* Now it’s your turn to either be happy or get pissed off. Obviously whoever is saying it either wants you be happy or pissed off depending on how and in what context they say it. Well they can want in one hand and piss in the other, see which one is more productive there.

Now disarm their happy little ass. Don’t give them the reaction they want. If they look at you in disgust and say “OMG, you’re a whore!” just say “And…? You say that like it’s a bad thing.” Watch them get confused, like “hey wait a minute, you’re supposed to get mad.”

I had to laugh at this one discussion I was trying to have on a news site where this person was obviously trying to belittle me ala used gum: (nutshell – this Bianca person was spouting off the usual Farley crap and I countered her arguments. She said it’s dehumanizing and soul-destroying blah blah blah and I asked her how long she had been a sex worker. We went back and forth a little prior to that before the truth of her attitude became apparent. This is her last post addressed to me prior to me being moderated so my reply to her didn’t go through.)

Actually, Brandy, I am not a whore, such as YOURSELF.
Thank You, very much.
Sorry to be so blunt, but in all reality, that’s what you are, poor thing.
But I will use your term, PAID ESCORT. LOL

When you were younger tell me, did you have that dream for yourself, “Hey, I know! I want to be a PAID ESCORT aka whore when I grow up” “How amazing would THAT be!”Yes!” I want to have sex with total strangers to get the attention I need and thats how I want to pay my house payment! (You do have a house, right? One would hope you are investing your hard earned money in something) I have a great financial planner if you ever have the means to need one 😉

I have my Masters Degree (Thats something you go to COLLEGE to get) in Horticulture, (google it, I am sure you have no idea what that means)
So yes, you have me beat at having personal experience of the details of YOUR life, as a PAID ESCORT; aka whore.

But where I DO get my information is I volunteer and donate a lot of money to HELP a safe haven for girls wanting to leave the demeaning practice of prostitution. And if it’s so great, and so safe, why is it that these girls cry and want to get out of prostitution? Why is it, more than you want to admit, they hate selling their bodies? And what about those that are beat up? I have taken more than a few to the ER (yes, from LEGAL Brothels) that need medical attention because some “customer” caused them physical harm. So why is it, Brandy, almost every girl I help tells me they wish they had done something else with their life? So many tell me they want my family life, my house, cars, etc… And you know what? I tell them they CAN have it, it’s NEVER too late to change your path in life. And I help them. Am I bragging? No. I am telling you this because I believe we are all here to help one another, and I know I am extremely blessed and as the song goes, Because I have been given much I too, must give.

But, being 100% Italian, I do not react well to disrespect. And you have shown plenty.
You my Dear, are way out of your league trying to argue the merits of legal prostitution with me.
I have an idea, go to college, learn some self respect, and then we’ll have an adult conversation.

And on that note, I think I will stop commenting on this comment thread, it’s really quite mundane to try to convince someone that they can be successful & happy in life without selling their body, when it’s quite evident they have no desire to better themselves.

I actually pity you. Yikes!!!
Do you ever wonder where you will be in life, in say, 5 or 10 years from now?

But, as you pointed out if you want to sell your body you have every right to do so!

So, by all means go ahead, keep doing what your doing. 🙂
Glad that is working out so well for you! 🙂

Do you have a daughter? If you do, or you ever do, is that your dream for her too? To be a whore? Oh, sorry, I mean a PAID ESCORT.

Remember what Einstein said, (You have heard of him, right?)
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.Have a great night! I know I will!! The weather is beautiful tonight up here in Tahoe! 😉

I’m sorry but this post still  cracks me up everytime I read it. It is so full of moronic self righteousness that it is more funny than it is belittling. And she keeps wanting to come back to the word whore like that is supposed to make me feel something. Whore, hooker, prostitute, escort, blah blah blah. Just words that I assign my own meaning to thank you very much.

So I bitched to a friend of mine, not about what she said so much as that I was moderated and the site wouldn’t let me answer (yes I know who Einstein is, already paid off my mortgage thank you very much, and yes I went to college and have a degree as well, although not a degree in shit.. I mean fertilizer.) So my friend, Jill, addressed some of her issues: (condensed for relevancy, you can read the whole thing at the above link)

… While it is impressive that you are trying to help prostitutes and there is a need for people to help prostitutes who want/need to exit the industry, that activism gives you zero authority to judge consenting adult sex workers.  That you don’t seem to even see the difference between coerced prostitutes needing to get out and consenting adult sex workers demonstrates that you do not have a grasp on the topic that you so highly believe.

That you have a masters degree………  SFW?  It means you had the opportunity to.  Something I did not have.  Does that elevate you above me, or Brandy?  Please……….

I’ve also worked as an advocate counselor in Minneapolis helping women who wanted to get off the street.  You can volunteer for 100 years and help 1000 women and you will still not ever get 5 percent of an understanding of what it is like to be a coerced prostitute or a consenting adult sex worker.

When I escaped, I need an advocate but there were none.  But I didn’t need an arrogant one all self pumped up on her academic credentials and her volunteer work.  I needed one who was empathetic, who let me be the expert in my own life.  Someone who would help me with what I needed, not someone who arrogantly thought she was better than me or that she was supposed to evangelize me.

While waiting for that one to be moderated (thinking it may not go through due to it being a reply to this person), she wrote and even better one, which you can read here.


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4 responses to “WHORE! – You say it like it’s a bad thing…

  1. Jason

    Superfreakonomics has an interesting discussion on prostitution in chapter 1. In the third part of the chapter, it talks about the life of an escort named Allie. Allie’s friend says escorts are nothing like streetwalkers, but Allie says they an escort is a just a high end version of a streetwalker.

    The authors agree with Allie’s friend and give another description of an escort, one I like. An escort “is essentially a trophy wife who is rented by the hour” — “the ideal wife: beautiful, attentive, smart, laugh[es] at your jokes, and satisf[ies] your lust”.

    • I suppose it’s all perspective isn’t it. Is a gourmet chef just a high end burger flipper? Technically they are both cooks but the chef will argue the point, saying what he does takes skill and finesse. Yes it does.

  2. Hello! Recently stumbled upon your blog via Maggie McNeill’s Versitile Award nominee list. Bookmarked, ay-sap.

    I’ve only begun to dig through your fantastic blog, but what I’d love to say is this: you strike me as a proud, smart, lovely woman whom I’d love to run into one day. For the love of Jesus H. Christ, please keep blogging and giving me new things to read. 😉

    On a related note, I have my fair share of eye-rolls aimed in the general direction of people who throw “stripper,” “slut,” “whore” (although I choose not to prostitute, there are assumptions), etc. my way. It’s all the same crap, twisted around to suit the needs of the non-sluts who disapprove, with the policy-advising bit about how strip clubs may as well be (OMFG NO! AWFUL! THE HORROR! WE CAN’T HAVE PROSTITUTION! OMFG…) brothels and ought to be made illegal as well.

    (I’m nowhere near proficient in sarcasm, and I hope you’ll see it through as support rather than criticism.)

    Anyway, I essentially made a joke of the word battles via Facebook, where I list my occupation as a self-employed Aerial Ninja Extraordinaire. It’s amusing enough.

    Thanks. For a little dose of, “Ahh, yep, uh-huh. Damnit. Sticks and stones, uneducated bitches,” in a post.

    • bdevereaux

      Thanks for reading Piper! You will notice quite a bit of snide, sarcastic remarks here. I tend to talk in smart ass 🙂

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